May 20, 2008

I'm Back and Important News

Ok, with all the hundreds of photos and hours of video I took over the course of my vacation. I did put some out on my flickr site.

To more pressing matters.
There are two bills that are coming up in the House and Senate that will change copyright as we know it.They were shot down once before because of action against it --- but now they are back as bill numbers H.R. 5889 The Orphan Works Act of 2008 and S 2913 The Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008
If you or someone you know post any family photos or any photos online. You need to go to this website arts and crafts law to find out more information. Then go here and send in this letter if you want to protect your rights. I ran across this on Claudine Hellmuth’s blog. Thought I would pass on the information.

This is text from the Illustrator Partnership web site:
Due to the lack of publicity about this bill, the most innocent victims of this plunder – those who put images online - are still completely unaware of it. Who am I talking about? Average American families who have enjoyed the internet as a way to share the happiest, and even saddest, moments of their lives with their friends and family across the country, and even around the world, through the wonders of technology. Google has already said they plan to use these orphan works in the millions. Why should companies like this be allowed to harvest our property from private web pages, blog sites, share sites and the like?

Here are just a couple photos from my vacation. Many more to come.

Me with Tim at the Welcome Reception.

Can you tell, it's me with Glacier Bay in the back ground.

Thanks for stopping by.


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